shall we not

Thursday, December 30, 2004

the start of a series of unfortunate events

Well, it is Christmas and due to simple boredom and after much procrastination i have started a blog. I never got around to it before for a number of reasons;

1. It's far more fun thinking up names for blogs than going through the rigmarole of posting (other favourites have been the Superficial Life of Phil Spiderman and a Fleeting Pamphlet) but seeming as i decided to do this whilst walking back after watching the excellent Mean Girls from Pete and Mary's on Christmas Day i decided to steal some of that. In fact one thing you will come to realise is that i will say nothing original here but merely repeat what cleverer/funnier people have said in films, tv,songs or even real life.
2. It may freak me out having people come up to me and saying stuff that I put up here that i haven't told them. For example, whilst I am local to this fair city it comes with the draw back of bumping into people (particularly at Christmas) that I knew from school which always freaks me out and causes me to revert back to my school self. Anyway, i bumped into someone on the bus who i actually wanted to bump into (a rarity) and it turned out that she knew all the stuff that was going on with me (and i, her) so there was actually no need for us to bump into each other at all making conversation a little awkward.
3. I'm lazy or...
4. I'll use this as a way of avoiding work (something i am rather good at already)

Anyway, i think i'll start by saying what i plan to use this space for which is primarily to combat my frankly awful memory. The most basic questions always stump me as i seldom know how i am or can remeber what i've been doing so hopeflly this will provide record for what i've been up to especially as my life is going a bit faster than i'd like at the moment.
OK. That's enough for now


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