shall we not

Thursday, February 03, 2005

what's the rumpus?

How on earth do people manage to juggle full time employment and full time life, I certainly appear unable to do both. This may be as there is a lot going on at the moment, some good, some bad, all stressful...
1. I have a Masters (hurrah with a 1st for my dissertation)
2. Because of 1, I now have money again which had been a pain.
3. I' m moving out of the Clifford's by the end of April and i have no idea where i'm going to live.
4. The Clifford's have had a thoroughly gorgeous kid but this means the house is kind of manic and stressful.
5. I'm not getting nearly enough sleep.
6. I'm finding it hard to relax
7. A load of my friends seem to be having a hard time at the moment.
8. Oh yeah, i'm meant to be doing a PHd
9. I've got loads of new cool albums but my Amazon order still hasn't arrived.
10. Kate lent me the complete My So Life and Ant's downloaded a cool HBO series called Carnivale.

I know this is kind of me just letting off steam but hey, it's what i'm thinking about this week. Also, who knows whether or not i'll survive my weekend in Dublin...


  • Congratulations Mr Hugh Munro MSc!!! (at least, I think yours is a MSc not MA). Well done you clever smarty-pants!
    Sorry to hear you sounding a bit stressed though. You'll have to come round for dinner sometime soon. Any chance we could have a "My so-called life" fest at some point? I'd LOVE to sit and watch it again- it was such a significant part of my teenage years- I was angela and my friend melissa was rayanne. i even dyed my hair like claire danes at one point... anyway, enough of the sad confessions, it would be great to see it again!
    have you heard the willy mason album yet? It's flippin' amazing! bought it for Rob for his birthday on wednesday and i really want to steal it for myself!
    anyway, i'm rambling now, but take care and see you Sunday? A x

    By Blogger Abigail, at 8:59 AM  

  • You geek! Well done. Claire Danes is funny looking.

    By Blogger Pete, at 4:41 PM  

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