shall we not

Monday, May 16, 2005

so i could travel just by folding a map

Although i have very little reason to, my mood at the moment seems tinged with sadness. I think it may link to the realisation that there are a few things in my character that i seem unable to shake off. For example, i am still utterly petrified by spending time with people one on one and i don't really know why. The other day i bumped into someone in the supermarket and was completely thrown. After a somewhat awkward exchange i finished my shopping but then in the car park realised that i would bump into the person again given my walking pace and the fact i was fairly easy to spot. My response? I turned around and went back into the supermarket and waitng for a few minutes before walking home, racked with guilt. I think it maybe because i'm a fairly reactive person in the sense i need other people's information to work with or respond (making small groups great) to which can make conversation feel difficult particularly as i am trying to talk to people rather than perpetuate the cycle whereby i don't talk to someone as i assume that they aren't interested and this is percieved as me not being interested.


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