shall we not

Saturday, February 12, 2005

let us see where this goes...

After much moaning in the face of prompting from God, i went to the half night of prayer last night (ain't i cool) and thought i should put up some thoughts about it in their incorehent glory:

1. There was something about us being on the verge of something as a church community (aren't we always!) and a need for us to deal with the fact that we're so rich (through the eye of the needle stuff) in that we can easily fill are gaps (which i think is linked to Naomi's blog about the stampede in Ikea and Fight Club) so it makes it hard for us to know how to be Godly in that we shouldn't become hermits and get rid of all our possessions but somehow balance wealth with the notion that in God all things are possible. Oh i don't know....

2. Sheffield is clouded with things that make it an oppressive place which can drain us (i can realte to that)

3. There was prayer for Dan which in a funny way made me appreciate testimony more in that i got really bored at the baptisms last week (God changed my life, hurray! said ten times) but hearing Dan fill people in on his last few months but actually having been with Dan some of the way made me realise that most testimonies are a limited summary of an amazing process that people go through and that is something we need to hear.

4. I'll stop there.


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