shall we not

Thursday, April 14, 2005

another day over and done

Had a group supervision today which was better than expected, the cademics were nice and constructive but you do feel somewhat educationally sub-normal and knowledge deficient because they're such wise guys (alas no women). Exhausted from a week of really thinking about / doing work so weekend'll be spent totally burned out to the point that activities which should relax will proably irritate.

Current thoughts on house- Nottingham (with Em) is so hot right now but would feel like i'd wasted the work i've done in Sheffield (i've really tried to be different)

Death Cab for Cutie's Transatlantacism is very American but awesome which is getting a scary number of plays by me and each time a different track stands out- lovely stuff. Favourite line (at the moment)- "I wish the world was flat like the old days and then i could travel just by folding the map".

In teacher training today realised it was wierd to have your entire week mapped out including fun stuff. Everyone else just watched tv like i've spent the majority of my 23 years doing and may return to doing depending on the move et al.


  • you can't leave and go to nottingham!!! that would suck.

    (though, of course, you need to go to where you think is right. it's just that me and rob would be gutted if you left sheffield. who would be left to provide magnificent brownies?!)

    By Blogger Abigail, at 9:11 AM  

  • Cheers guys. It would only be for a month or two (hopefully) but even that would feel wierd.

    By Blogger hugh, at 10:32 AM  

  • you know, you can always stay at ours if you're really desperate!!!

    By Blogger Abigail, at 11:31 AM  

  • don't leave us! no-one cooks a kedgeree like you...

    By Blogger dan, at 3:55 PM  

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