shall we not

Sunday, February 27, 2005

thumbsucking somersaults

Becoming increasingly aware that my one word to describe myself is holding more true than ever, capricious. This means that over the weekend (and the past few weeks too for that matter) i have gone from being very outgoing and playful to feeling incredibly annoyed and prone to tears, with relatively minor incidents able to send me either way. Maybe it's because i'm begining to feel that i'm connected to other people and the outside world in general with my world taking a far less prominent position which is a good thing i guess.

Also, a few observations:
- Two days off a week really doesn't begin to be enough.
- I've noticed myself saying 'in that' a lot as a means of clarifying the point i'm making.
- My moods have this week been soundtracked by the rather good Patrick Wolf album (anyone who can remind you of Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave and a bit of good Morrisey can't be bad)


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