shall we not

Monday, March 20, 2006

No harm, no foul

A) Things that I'm missing by going to see the folks on Thursday night after teaching in Birmingham thereby proving the existence of Sod's Law:

- The Long Blondes playing at The Plug.
- The Lovebytes thing at The Showroom, i would have liked to have watched Hard Candy.
- Pete's operation and meeting his parents
- A debate type thing at Birmingham University around my topic area.
- Arsenal on pay-per-view.

However, I am very much looking forward to seeing my folks and giving them their Christmas present (a handmade visitors book that only got finished last week), walking on the beach and getting a good feed. Although being Mother's Day and all i'll probably cook which'll be enjoyable when as good food will be available. Slighty less fun will be the essay marking i've got to do.

B) My weeks seem to be rapidly running away from me. Although, i think that this partly gives me an excuse to let them run away from me. For example, this week i've got to be in Birmingham on Wednesday and Thursday with cooking brownies in between. Now, pervesely i get no work done when at university normally because i'm frantically running around sorting out teaching but the rest of the time i have the attitude of 'well, i'm in the department, i must be working' to justify my looking at the internet in between. However, that said i have spent my last three Saturday mornings trecking up to Burngreave to sort out interviews.

C) Had one of those weekends where i knew i needed to see people but at the same time didn't want to talk to them, i just wanted to be physical around people whilst they went about their business. Thankfully, i was largely able to do that using a combination of coffee shops, TV; that BBC Planet Earth thing is awesome (Otter group rubbing and scaring off alligators!) despite truly awful music and i even enjoyed the Everybody Hates Chris thing on 5, exercise and eating with other people. Alhough, i still yearn for an apartment complex with shared spaces including vegetable patch, herb garden, 5 a-side pitch and the ability to go and pop into the extrovert neigbours every now and then for food and a chat then retreat back to watch films and be alone as necessary. In my mind it looks a bit like Jimmy Stewarts neighbourhood in Rear Window but hopefully without murder across the other side.

D) The Beastie Boys are old (

Rambling over.


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