not about Greenbelt
- Falling asleep in seminars (one about meditation and another in a service about homosexuality- which was a bit gutting actually because the half an hour i heard was great).
- The Arcade Fire gig tommorrow.
- My new house with all it's spangly newness. Moved some stuff in last night as i was able to get a driving accomplice for an hour or two. Spent most of the time getting excited about cupboards, basements and other trivial things of that ilk with one of my new housemates (but it is right to get excited for it rocks).
- Not leaving Greenbelt. There were hours of each day where i did really want the earth to swallow me up but i realsied that it would be far to much effort to pack up and get the train back. Plus Cheltenham train station already holds bad memories from the time i got it the wrong way adding two hours to my journey.
- The organic beer tent.
- The realisation that i'm no longer 15 and rather than getting drunk and jumping over fences at Greenbelt in the dark I sit in deck chairs drinking wine and eating brownies in the dark.
- Going to see some pictures and loving then realising that they were done by a mate and i can buy them off her.
- Getting out of Sheffield. Even though i thought Cheltenham wasn't very pleasant as a place it made me realise how ugly Sheffield and Birmingham are. So much as i still love them it did make a difference going away from them for a bit (so what i'm saying is holidays serve a purpose).
- Not going to one of the many seminars about blogging. I didn't think it'd do me any good as it would proabbaly draw attention to how self obsessed it is and how it hinders communication (with Sheffield folk anyway).